Xeneta Summit 2024

Privacy Statement

Xeneta Summit 2024 (“Summit”) 

The protection of your personal data and privacy is of great importance to Xeneta. You have the right under the law to be informed when your personal data is processed and about the purpose and details of that processing.  

Your personal data are processed in accordance with Regulation (EU) 2016/679, the General Data Protection Regulation. In this privacy statement you find information about how Xeneta processes and handles your personal data and what rights you have as a data subject.  

1. PURPOSE OF DATA PROCESSING: Why do we process your data?   

Your personal data will be processed in order to:

  • ensure proper organization and management of the Summit;
  • register you as a participant of the Summit;  
  • provide access to the local of the Summit event;  
  • provide you with all information related to the Summit;  
  • disseminate information among participants to enhance networking;
  • further contact participants to obtain feedback related to the event;
  • disseminate information to media for the purposes linked with the Summit.  


2. DATA CONTROLLER: Who is entrusted with processing your data?    

Xeneta is the data controller in charge of the processing of your personal data.  



3. LEGAL BASIS: On what grounds we collect your data? Article 5(1)(d) of Regulation 2018/1725 (the data subject has given consent to the processing of his or her personal data for one or more specific purposes).    


4. DATA PROCESSED: What data do we process?

a) The following personal data:

  • First name  
  • Last name  
  • Work address
  • Employer/Company name
  • Job title  
  • E-mail    
  • Phone number
  • Dietary requirements and special assistance when applicable, processed in a secure manner for the sole purpose of accommodating special needs or dietary requests
  • Login credentials in case of online registrations. 

b) In addition, data are also collected during the event and processed for the purpose of informing the public:

  • Photos, audio or video filming and web streaming of speakers, participants or organizers as well as feedback, surveys, reports and other information about the Summit.
  • Disclaimer: Xeneta waive responsibility for videos/photos taken, shared, published by participants or other individuals.  

c) Data collection by websites: When using online applications, websites may apply dynamic tools such as cookies for technical functioning, gathering statistics and providing a personalized experience for you as a user. More information about cookies can be found on the specific websites.

You give your consent for:

  • Sharing your contact details (first name, last name, employer/company name, job title) with the other members of the Summit for the purpose of networking, and with media for the purposes linked with the Summit. 
  • Sharing photos, audio and video recordings and web streaming related to the Summit.
  • Sharing participants list containing your name and other personal data processed. 
  • Sharing further contact to obtain feedback and receive invitations to future events that Xeneta may organize. 

 If you would not like your data to be used in any of these ways,, please contact us at privacy@xeneta.com

5. RECIPIENTS OF THE PERSONAL DATA: Who has access to your data?  

  • Designated organizing staff in charge of the event, management and follow up of this event and future ones, and designated Xeneta employees.
  • Xeneta’s necessary service providers and media.  
  • Security and other partners, contractors, service providers on behalf of Xeneta, and media.
  • Participants, interpreters, technical staff if relevant.
  • General public (if data made public on the internet, Xeneta website or social media platforms). 

 Under certain conditions defined in law, we may disclose your information to third parties (such as law enforcement authorities) if it is necessary and proportionate for lawful, specific purposes. We will not share your personal data for direct marketing purposes.

Photographs and/or audio and video recordings could be published in the context of this event, including via social media. If need be, the files containing the video materials may be slightly altered (for example, brightness and contrast) so that they can be used for the purposes for which they were taken. We use social media to provide information about Xeneta and promote the event through widely-used channels: Xeneta website, Facebook, Twitter, LinkedIn, Instagram and YouTube. The use of social media does not in any way imply endorsement of their privacy policies. In the event that one or more social media are unavailable, we accept no responsibility for lack of service due to their downtime. We recommend that users read the Facebook, Twitter, LinkedIn, Instagram and YouTube privacy policies. Each company explains its policy of data collection and processing, its use of data, user rights and the ways in which users can protect their privacy when using these services.  

With the exception of public domain data, no personal data is transmitted to third countries or to international organizations, which are outside the recipients and the legal framework mentioned. Under certain conditions outlined in law, we may disclose your information to third parties, (such as the European Anti-Fraud Office, the Court of Auditors, or law enforcement authorities) if it is necessary and proportionate for lawful, specific purposes. Data will not be communicated to third parties, except where necessary for the purposes outlined above. 

6. ACCESS, RECTIFICATION, ERASURE OF DATA: What rights do you have? 

You have the right to request access to your personal data and the right to request to correct any inaccurate or incomplete personal data. The right of rectification can only apply to factual data processed.  

Under certain conditions, you have the right to ask for the deletion of your personal data or restrict its use. Special attention is drawn to the consequences of a request for deletion, in which case any means to be able to contact you may be lost. You have the right to object on grounds relating to your particular situation to the publication of your personal data or to withdraw consent to the processing of data based on your consent. Please note that withdrawal of consent will not have retroactive effect (processing of your personal data based on your consent before withdrawal is lawful up to the moment when you withdraw your consent). Where applicable, you have the right to object to the processing of your data. Where applicable, you have the right to receive your personal data provided to the controller or to have your personal data transmitted directly to another controller (data portability). You can direct your queries to privacy@xeneta.com. The query will be dealt with within 30 (thirty) days.   

7. TIME LIMIT - DATA STORING: For what period and how do we process your data? 

Xeneta aims to keep your personal data no longer than necessary for the purposes we collect them. After the Summit, your data are kept as long as follow-up actions to the Summit are required. Xeneta will review data every two years in order to delete useless data. Your photos, audio and video recordings that have been published (for example on the web or in publications) will remain in that format indefinitely. 

8. QUESTIONS AND REQUESTS: Who can you contact if you have queries or complaints? 

If you have any further questions about the processing of your personal data, please contact privacy@xeneta.com  at any time.