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How is 2024 Shaping Up and What's on the Horizon for Air Freight?


The already-hot summer air freight market continues to heat up...

Strong e-commerce demand.

Narrowing differences between air and ocean freight rates.

Political unrest and threats of union strikes putting upward pressure on air cargo rates during the year-end peak season.

These are just some of the factors behind the dramatic changes and atypical market behavior we’ve seen in the air sector so far this year.  

Download Xeneta's exclusive 2024 Mid-Year Air Freight Outlook to see just how far the market has shifted since Xeneta published its 2024 Outlook in October, 2023.

You'll gain key insights into: 

  • Spiralling spot rates. 
  • Fast-rising cross-border e-commerce demand from Asia. 
  • Concerns over available shipping capacity. 
  • A return to air cargo transport from ocean shipping, impacting green strategies. 
  • IT outages adding pressure to already-strained air cargo supply chains. 
  • Four areas to watch in Q3 and Q4. 



Download the 2024 Mid-Year Air Freight Outlook