Contact Us
We'd love to hear from you.
We have helped many companies save over 50% on their ocean and air freight spend leading them to gain full transparency and improvements into their entire supply chain.
Know how your rates compare to the market and your peers. Gain negotiation power against your suppliers. We can help you get visibility into the ocean and air freight market. Put Xeneta expertise to work for you.
All our products adhere to ISO 27001:2022, ensuring the highest standards in Information Security. Contact us today.
You'll find us here

Headquarters | Oslo
Xeneta AS
Postal address:
PO Box 9344 Grønland, Oslo, NO 0135, Norway
Visiting address:
Biskop Gunnerus gate 14A, Oslo, NO 0185, Norway
Office Phone: +47 21642410

Xeneta GmbH
Hopfenmarkt 33
Hamburg, DE 20457, Germany

New Jersey
Xeneta LLC
Newport Office Center
111 Town Square Place, Suite 430
Jersey City, NJ 07310